Nhimbe’s Covid-19 Intervention!

We are happy to share that YES! we really are making progress, slow but sure, with a plan in place, money on its way, and the sun on the horizon. Please check out our basic approach. CHANGE! Covid-19 Health Advocacy Network Growing Education Thank you for all of ...

Latest News from Zimbabwe!

(This post went out last night but got buried in the Mailchimp post, so here I'm re-sending it.) Like many of you, our Zimbabwean neighbors, although on the opposite side of our earth, are very much daily in our hearts and minds.  Currently, the situation ...

Update on the Nhimbe Water Project!

Thanks to some incredibly generous hearts, we were able to begin the water project! I realize that it may have seemed completely off the map to some, to be thinking about our Nhimbe work going on normally, with a lock down beginni ...