Ancient Ways Builds Community and Connection
In a world of ever increasing individual isolation, we have a passion to flourish. Building community and connection are both key to our work.
What is it about preserving the life-giving traditions of the indigenous people of Zimbabwe, that teaches us all how to live more sustainably? Reminds us how to bridge cultural gaps in a world full of diversity? Guides us in how to find connection in the broadest sense, as one people called humanity on earth?
In communities impoverished by economic hardships beyond their control, we work to improve living conditions collaboratively, both with a team on the ground there in Zimbabwe, and with North American partnerships. From our preschool programs on, we work to support the children of Zimbabwe as they learn the language and traditions of their elders and the skills they need to survive in a world of increasing and rapid change.
One of many examples of our successes is Tafadzwa, who was assisted to attain a University level of education. He became a lawyer. His story also speaks loudly as he then later extended himself, reaching back to us, to help set up our Trust, making Nhimbe a legally registered entity. He has offered Nhimbe pro bono services when the economy was spiraling with hyperinflation. We have enormous gratitude for his help. Let the circle be unbroken!
We offer classes in mbira and marimba music in the United States because this particular music is deep and life transforming. The Shona people and music are one in the same – not a separate idea. Music as the universal language, which bridges all cultures, gives us an interesting and touching portal to experience the Shona’s rich heritage and traditions. Children in Zimbabwe are always inspired by the western world, and we are pointing them back to their own roots for their empowerment, through our dedicated study of their music.
Ancient Ways has grown into an organization of community, connection and continuity. We hold dear the sustainability of our efforts and their impact on the future for generations to come.

As an organization, Ancient Ways vibrates with an uncommon passion for life: the wholeness and care for our earth, a yearning to find resolution to humanity’s suffering, and a belief in all things good and hopeful that promote our species living compatibly and creatively with each other and with our planet.
Many people who have come together under this non-profit ‘umbrella’ may not have even met, but we will find a simple dedicated heart among all of them: a commitment to evolving together without prejudice, with a desire to uplift anyone less fortunate, and with respect, honor, and integrity as their code.
We don’t have to do great things in life, but we must imagine the greatest in others, support each other in even the tiniest efforts towards compassion, and embrace optimism as our future’s stronghold.
Historically, Ancient Ways has provided services in two separate areas of Zimbabwe: “Nhimbe for Progress” in Mhondoro and “Jangano” in the Dewedzo Mountains. Since 2000 we have reached thousands of residents in these villages including sponsoring thousands of children to attend school, which is not free in Zimbabwe. We also have assisted an NGO, Tamuka, in Harare, with their maturing girls.
Our current focus is on Nhimbe for Progress preschool children, maturing girls, and the construction of wells in Mhondoro. We are also tackling several ways to improve water quality by using SODIS for solar purification, and nutrition availability to the average village resident by using Moringa trees as well as installing permaculture drip hose systems. In 2020, we began Covid-19 intervention for all villagers providing soap, education and mask making.