8-15 Wednesday Afternoon Visit with Mujurus

We have the pleasure of having Fradreck Mujuru, our Jangano Project Director, here in Lacomb for a visit, as well as his brother Sam. Both are mbira players, teachers, and makers, as well as delightful people with which to talk! Please make a little time to come on Wednesday the 15th from 3ish to 5:30 p.m., bring some finger food and get to know our Zimbabwean friends.

Fradreck and Sam were expected to arrive in June but had some Visa difficulties, due to a typo of all things, and so we were unable to schedule anything sooner or more elaborate you can try here. We hope you can fit in this opportunity and share your time and interests with them while hearing about the latest from Zimbabwe.

Rehearsal for the upcoming performance on Saturday will follow at 5:30 p.m. for Mutambo and Detembo at 6:30 p.m. and so you are welcome to stick around for an evening of marimba music too! Feel free to bring more food and drink of your choice if you will stay later. I am sure that we can schedule in an mbira lesson if you like. Do give Jaiaen a call or email with any questions!

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