Many Thanks for the Aid!

From the Nhimbe volunteers on the ground, to our board, and all involved, we are enormously grateful for the rapid response to our plea!

You have softened the blow of this harsh reality for them.  And of course, a lower stress level will certainly ripple into better care of the preschoolers and MMC youth, as well as the Community Center itself and how they provide services to the region.  Your generosity is amazing and has calculated out to give us the capacity to provide all 11 volunteers plus our two directors with one bucket a week from November 17th, next week, to carry them to the end of March!

Photo Credit-Lynne Swift

That implementation schedule is based on being able to locally source the maize at $6 a bucket, so purchasing without having to use petrol, and getting a better price for the bulk buy. We hope it unfolds in that manner, since working in Zimbabwe always brings surprises.

Green mealies will be coming by mid-March, which doesn’t sustain like sadza but is truly delicious with a touch of lime and salt.  The real maize will be coming out of the field in June, and we hope for a bountiful harvest for all. That crop carries them until 2023!

As always, you are incredible.  And, if some of you were still considering donating and are just a little slower to do so, please do so now! Go to: Volunteer’s Food Aid under 2021 and Early 2022 Urgency. – any further funds can be put towards extending the date, for example, another week or more?  In Zimbabwe, this kind of assistance means a great deal.  Their government will not be providing food, in all likelihood.  They are currently providing villagers some farming “inputs” as two bags of fertilizer and 20 kg of seed, at least in our local area.

Muda says, “A big thank you on behalf of the Mhondoro Nhimbe community to all who are assisting during this difficult period globally. Your love is most appreciated. May the spirits continue to guide you and your families in all you do. Tatenda chaizvo for all the Benevolence!!!!”

His heart-felt appreciation was felt through the network waves as he spoke from the other side of the earth.  Not only knowing that this side of the planet cares, I’m also imagining him having relief as the co-director, that those he is obligated to look out for will be in a better way, and that everything turns out okay, when one has the courage to speak. You can know that I’m relieved as well.  ;*))

This is the real-meal-deal and you are truly making a difference!  Tatenda Chaizvo! We thank you very much!

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