Third Field Report

Many thanks go to Amy Blinn and Payton James-Amberg as they made it possible for me to blog while in Zimbabwe.  Many hands make light work!  In this case as well, the infrastructure in the villages just can’t support the needs for communication.  We were lucky to send an email!  Great appreciation here for their assistance, as well as the multiple families who helped me cover the home and farm while away!


Find the third field report here.  Please read when possible, and share with your community.  Thank you so much for the continued support.  I’m not posting it in its entirety since its full of pictures and video links, but here is a taste:

It is with much gratitude that I offer this third and final field report of our visit to Mhondoro.  Thank you for all you are doing to help us help them, both as contributions financially , and your own active efforts to make a difference.   Your generous encouraging words are precious thoughts that keep us going when things get tough.


Here is the short version for those of you on the run:


  • APRIL HOLIDAY GIRL GUIDES 3-DAY CAMP A SUCCESS! – 235 Girls Attending – up from 74!
  • UNIVERSITY SPONSORSHIP – A Bit More is Required to Get Lillian Registered
  • LIBRARY UPDATE – New Books are now merging into the Library Re-Org
  • MARIMBAS AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER – Broken Marimbas are Being Replaced!
  • REPAIRS NEEDED – SMALL TO LARGE – Termites, Chairs and Hut Roofs All Require Attention
  • HOW YOU CAN HELP! What can you do that can make a difference?


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