Girls Camps and You!

We have an exciting opportunity to support the girls in the villages right now. Please see where we have a few pictures and audio recordings that have just come in.

They are holding a weekend camp and gratefully able to do so because of a seed donation from a Lacomb Girl Scout Troop. Any way that you can help us to offer this camp, will make an impact! Just $4 will send one girl to camp for 3 days and 2 nights.

These girls are deserving just like girls all over the world who are without access to resources. We have our finger on the pulse of this, ready to help, and are appreciative of anything you can do.

I want to thank you for all of the support you have given us due to my trip to Zimbabwe last March. Your thoughts, words and deeds were very encouraging to everyone.

We are deepening the preschool well right now as the drought has taken its toll on the water supply, only because of donations that came in. And the monthly care program had a great lift off and we are now working through the details of how to expand beyond our own young ones. coming in next year.

Thank you very much for taking the time to check out the link above where it shares more intimately what goes on in these camps!

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