
Display the default style shopping cart on a
post, page or sidebar text widget

Tatenda Chaizvo! We appreciate what you do. You Make A Difference!

Shopping Cart Empty
Shopping Cart is Empty
Visit The Shop


Display the default shopping cart but it will be
visible only when there are items in the cart.



Display the shopping cart using a fancy
display. (this is the shopping cart display used
on tips and tricks HQ’s checkout page).



Shopping Cart Empty
Shopping Cart is Empty
Visit The Shop


Display the fancy 1 shopping cart but visible
only when there are items in the cart.


Display the shopping cart using the fancy 2 display style.



Shopping Cart Empty
Shopping Cart is Empty
Visit The Shop


Display a summarized list of all the items that
are in the shopping cart.


Shopping Cart Empty
Shopping Cart is Empty
Visit The Shop


This is for when you are using the save and
retrieve cart feature. Display a save and
retrieve shopping cart section. This allows
your customers to save the current shopping
cart or retrieve a previously saved cart.



EXTRA Shortcodes


Option 2

You can display the compact cart with a few variations
with this shortcode. The following parameters can be set to 0 to turn it off:


Displays a compact version of the shopping cart with
just the number of items in the cart and a link to the
checkout page. Good for using on the sidebar of your site.


Cart is empty (0)
Displays a compact version of the shopping cart with just the number of items and the dollar amount in the cart and a link to the checkout page. Good for using on the sidebar of your site.
Your sidebar must be wider than 240px for this cart to fit.

Cart is empty $0.00


Displays a compact version of the shopping cart with just the number of items and the dollar amount in the cart and a link to the checkout page. Good for using on the sidebar of your site.
Your sidebar must be wider than 240px for this cart to fit.

Cart is empty $0.00

Displays a compact version of the shopping cart with just the number of items. Good for using on the sidebar of your site.

Display the shopping cart with thumbnail images of
the products.

Shopping Cart Empty
Shopping Cart is Empty
Visit The Shop
Display the number of items in the shopping cart