Special Needs Students in Zimbabwe Need Assistance!

We have 3 students left , who are particularly deserving, intelligent, ready and capable to tackle a better school than the one in their rural home, but need our help. Please help us help them to succeed! See ancient-ways.org/sponsorships/older-students/ for more details. Polite Shara is at Glen View 2 High School doing her Form 2, with tuition costs at $297. Paidamoyo Mujuru is in Form 5, attending Kuwadzana High School, with tuition costs of $479. Joseph Mandevani is in Form 2 at Mt Pleasant High School wtih tuition costs of $594.
You can sponsor one of these students today, or they can be helped by using the Team Approach where we pool whatever amount you can offer, with others. Please call the office to setup a re-occuring credit card charge, or use Paypal, or check. Thank you so much for helping these earnest students!Антилопы

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