Your rapid and generous response has made it possible to give a go-ahead for building the four elderly widows’ wells!
It is with incredible gratitude that the members of Nhimbe and all of us involved say “Tatenda Chaizvo”. You know, over there, when one person sees that there is an improvement for their neighbor, it gives them some hope. Like a ray of sunshine in a sometimes darkened tunnel, where one’s vision can only see the difficulties (we’ve all been there), these changes to lifestyle affect them deeply. Everyone they know is actually impacted by this.
Both directly, in terms of their increased prosperity, personal power, and how they show up in their community, as well as indirectly, just seeing Nhimbe benefit another resident, leaves a lasting imprint on their hearts and minds.
Here is another example of the situation with the wells. This is Matirida Socha. She is 82 years old and her well is hand dug, never having bricks. She lives in the Magaya village.
This picture shows Isaac, our Building and Security manager, demonstrating how she pulls up her water from this type of well, which is normally quite turbid, plus contaminated with ground water runoff. Once these kinds of wells collapse the situation is impossible . . . its not just dirt, but mud.
Your donations are making this a thing of the past!
Thank you again for your humanitarian heart, bringing hope and humanity to an otherwise unbearable hardship! May the “water angels” bless you to overflowing your cup’s brim!