Update on the Nhimbe Water Project!

Thanks to some incredibly generous hearts, we were able to begin the water project!

I realize that it may have seemed completely off the map to some, to be thinking about our Nhimbe work going on normally, with a lock down beginning here, but my heart required me to take a leap of faith. We knew that this was urgently the next step towards community health there, and so dove in with courage and hope. A few people heard our plea and have made the difference so we could begin. We can’t thank you enough for that!

Nhimbe for Progress Community Center March 2020
Pipes, People and Penetrating the Earth

The Zimbabwe lock down started as we were mid-way done with the project.  The borehole was dug, and there was so much water, that it was recommended that we upgrade to a larger tank.  Our original estimate was for a 2,000 litre, but we are now purchasing a 5,000 litre tank. They hit water at 6 meters and then went ahead and dug the hole to 42 meters! Gratefully, the gravity feed system keeps water coming easily.  This project may go down in history!

Kicking up Some Serious Action Here

The second part, yet to implement, is building the tank stand and the windmill to pump the water into the tank, which acts as the cistern for the system.  A 50% deposit was placed before the lock down, so the windmill builder is busily welding away (not pictured here), with delivery expected around the 16th.  As soon as there is a slight change in movement, and we can send and retrieve funds using Western Union, the windmill will be put in place.  The wholesale food shops will also be reopening soon, so Patricia would be able to go and source food to sell in the rural area as well.

Thank you for your incredible help with this project!  It will serve the preschool, the MMC maturing girls’ gatherings, as well as community meetings, when things return to the new normal. Actually, anyone who wants can come and get water, as there is plenty.  I’m so grateful to have this in place – the less pathogens ingested, the easier for the immune system to function!  Just perfect timing!

Bore Hole in Action
Cosmas Magaya, our Project Director in Zimbabwe, and cousin-brother, Simon Magaya

The other less obvious, but none-the-less powerful, benefit of installing this creative solution for clean water at the Center, is the fact that anyone who hears or sees the development, during this time of scarcity and fear, will find encouragement, that we have not forgotten them.  It’s like the hand of God reaches in and demonstrates a large positive manifestation, from out of nowhere, bringing comfort and hope, much like a miracle.  We are so deeply grateful for the invisible world that lives parallel to us, working in unison with us, and which also participates kindly in our evolution.

Additionally, this improved water availability marks our 20th year success with a major stride towards sustainability.  The potential of this expanded garden area (10 beds total – more reports on that later), particularly with the purchase of more drip lines (please feel encouraged to donate towards this effort!), means that not only is garden production increased more easily, making food more readily available to the preschool children, but also raising enough produce to sell becomes a reality on the horizon. That kind of income stream could grow and become foundational. Cosmas and I are always looking for ways to make Nhimbe for Progress more self-sufficient. Thank you for helping with this particular type of infusion towards our succession planning!  What a gift to so touch so many people!

We can see the evolution of the garden beds!…this is about half the beds showing!
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