2021 Year End Gratitude!

Thank you again for the continued support of Nhimbe for Progress through your positive thoughts, encouraging words and your generous donations, all of which have a direct affect on the future of the Mhondoro residents!

2021 is almost over and there is still time for fully tax-deductible donations. I’m moved on a regular basis by the larger spiritual backing, which keeps this all moving forward, because you and I, by ourselves, are not the bigger agenda.  When I’m troubled and can’t see the way forward, I keep turning it back to them, the Allies, whether that is all of our ancestors, the angels, the forces of Large Love emanating through God, or whatever (I work at not limiting this unlimited and indescribable grace). I remind them that they started this work, and they are responsible to keep it moving along nicely!  Its easy to get overwrought with concern when I put myself in someone else’s shoes, so just need to keep redirecting to clarify what is actually involved in transformation and change.  We just each do our part!

One of the incredible feats this year (among many) was your response when the villages were impacted by Cyclone Eloise.  At first, we thought we just needed to repair the Community Center so that school, MMC and other activities could continue.  But then, we realized that 22 families lost their wells due to the continued storms and pounding rain.  Through your assistance we were able to rebuild these wells in short order.  This is something great that ripples…it’s not just that they can get water for daily activities, but the health of each family member feels this lifestyle change.  Thank you for all the ways you contribute…Tatenda Chaizvo.

Isaac has introduced us to this resident whose family has benefited from Nhimbe for Progress services in Mhondoro, Zimbabwe since the beginning of our work there. Ancient Ways began this project in 2000, and has provided many programs to uplift the people since then.  In this video Tafanei Nyamainashe, from the Gore village, is explaining in Shona that he wants to thank Nhimbe for all of the assistance. His family started receiving help when huts were being built, school fees being paid for the children, along with uniforms for the students, and now, he has a well.  He wants to thank Nhimbe, and says “may you continue assisting us all!” 

We all appreciate that sentiment!  Thank you again for how you contribute to their lives, and to my life enriching the work into which I’ve chosen to put my creativity and Large Love.  I hope you know that thousands of people are all blessed by your generosity of spirit.  Each village resident’s life is enhanced in untold ways, which touches all of their extended family members throughout Zimbabwe and other places in the world. Watch for stories about these families, coming in 2022.

If you haven’t read the annual letters, here is a link to get you started, and if you haven’t yet donated  please feel free here!  Thank you all so much and have a wonderful and safe new year!

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