Exciting News for the Mask Tribe!

Please join us as we celebrate our work in Zimbabwe for yet another year!


An amazing assortment of new African fabrics have been donated, as well as the efforts of two lovely women volunteers with superb sewing skills and artistic love for their work. Your decision to get a mask from us brings all of this together. 


Here we are with the holidays budding, and thoughts of sharing love buzzing…how can we help you? 

123.TGO – The Teal and Orange Medallions?

Please check out the latest in the “Store” HERE.  The new 3-D style as well as the familiar pleated and fitted designs are clearly shown and easy to navigate with the shopping cart (rather than the old google sheet that we started last spring on a whim of “oh heck, lets give it a go…;*)) 

125.OYB – Something a little more dramatic for you?

We are uploading more pictures as they are finished, and until then there are fabric swatches … you can see how incredible these turn out … please reach out with any questions.

121.LB – Some of us can’t resist the nuances of purple!

The latest news as well, is that you can request a child’s size! Just email and you’ll be in touch with the seamstress, who is adaptable and experienced with grandchildren, neighbors and the like, fitting those sweet little faces.

Thank you again for your continued support and encouragement!  All proceeds from these donations join our efforts to intervene in the lives of those in Mhondoro specifically with protocol for Covid-19.  If you haven’t yet read about our vision, HERE is the overview, and HERE is the progress to date


We are all enormously grateful for your interest in our particular products and services … you choose the donation amount that fits your budget

(remember that online payments and mailing spend close to $5 of your precious contribution)

and its a bit like being a kid in a candy store…enjoy running up and down the aisle! 


Your recurring generosity, friendship, and kindness has made all of this possible.  Tatenda Chaizvo!

PS Please watch for our annual letter in your inbox, giving you a snapshot of 2020-2021.

PPS Looking forward to pictures, video, and the story from Mhondoro? We hope so! Those on the ground are elated at what they have been able to do because of YOU!


Candy Store?

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