Its almost 2020!

Its with enormous gratitude that we write with a New Year’s Eve Greeting!

Thank you for your kind and sustaining support over the years as we stay committed to our vision, our mission and our values. It takes all of us doing what we do, to make an ever-continuing dent in the work to be done.

When we look around our lives here in the states, there is plenty to accomplish as well. It just so happens that the door that opened for us, was to rural Zimbabwe. The key was the music and with that, the door flew wide open. And there were the people, right there in that opening. Just like you and me. Children just like yours and mine.

Please take a minute and consider how you are able to reach out to Zimbabwe through our portal this year. Many of you have generously extended yourselves in 2019, either with your pocketbook, or your time, or your prayers and words of encouragement.

If you haven’t been able to contribute, or if you have donated but are able to again, please do so now. Time and money are both valuable ways to give. Continuing with our programs and services are vital to over a thousand people…and, you make the difference!

We know that each of you hold the key to keep this door open to rural Zimbabwe. Thank you for whatever you can do!

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