Mask Tribe Update!

We are hoping that this finds you and your loved ones well!


We continue to forge ahead in all ways possible. Our latest progress report is always online here. Our team in Mhondoro is searching for simple and safe solutions to attend to the great need in the rural area. The country’s lock down has tightened and we are, of course, following all guidelines.


We are still expecting results for the many Covid-19 tests that were done in our area at Cosmas and Patricia’s home. The immediate family is well, with almost all testing positive, and recovering any symptoms that presented themselves. Quite a statement about Shona resilience. The remaining residents are patiently wait to hear.



If you have been following our mask inventory, you know that we have had shortages for a bit. We are back in masks! Due to your generosity, we have raised over $2,300 because you have bought our masks, and because people have donated hundreds of hours of their time, plus their Zimbabwean fabrics, to make this all possible! Wow!


We are doing everything possible to make a difference in Mhondoro through this ordeal…thank you!


Not every style in every fabric is back in stock, but doing far better. Continue to stay tuned as we receive more inventory and update the online inventory. You can find the information here, as well as when you:

  1. Go to the website on the main CHANGE! page (towards the bottom), where we explain what we are doing to intervene for Covid-19, or
  2. The MASK TRIBE page, where there is more background about mask making (again towards the bottom).


The main difference in the recent masks is that there is a metal nose strip on most of them, but not all. If you need a metal piece in yours (you wear glasses for instance, and prefer the lack of fogging) then please mention that in your order, otherwise yours can come either way.


We are getting great reports about their comfort and qualityEnjoy shopping! And again, thank you for your continued support of these residents!

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