Your Annual Ancient Ways Letter is in your Inbox!

We are happy to share our annual report with you for 2021, as well as our plans for 2022. 

Many thanks to all of you who are part of the incredible team, which makes this wheel of progress move…We, throughout North America, and those in Zimbabwe, are so appreciative!

Please take a moment and catch up on the latest about our collaboration with the residents in Mhondoro.  If you need to come back another time to read in more depth, you can also go to the website and find “2022 Focus” on the menu bar.  Let us know if you would like hard copies to share – we have plenty available.  Our printer gave us a spectacular deal at 5 cents a page!  

With your help, we can do it!  It does take a village to raise a child, and a community to hold a vision for change and transformation.  You do make the difference!

Thank you for your time and attention.  Always feel free to reach out and talk to me about whatever is on your mind.  Be safe. Be well.  And, have a wonderful holiday season!


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