Upcoming Ancient Ways Events April/May

Please put these two events at Thyme Garden in Alsea on your calendar http://www.thymegarden.com/Events

  • April 23rd, at 2 pm, the Circle of Well Being, the wellness program of Ancient Ways, is sponsoring a healing circle as part of the Earth Day celebration at Thyme Garden 11 am. to 3 pm. Settled in the forest next to a waterway, Thyme Garden is well known for its incredible selection of herbs and enormous woodsy ambiance. Children welcome!
  • Sunday, May 14th, Ancient Ways community ensembles will be playing the sweet and uplifting music from Zimbabwe on marimbas as part of the 24th annual “Art in the Garden” Mother’s Day event (13th-14th, 10-5 pm). Kufindura will play 12:30 pm to 2 pm. Tamuka Marimba and Kufindura will both play 3:30 to 5 pm. Put on your dancing shoes!

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Girls Camps and You!

We have an exciting opportunity to support the girls in the villages right now. Please see www.ancient-ways.org/summer-2016-camps/ where we have a few pictures and audio recordings that have just come in.

They are holding a weekend camp and gratefully able to do so because of a seed donation from a Lacomb Girl Scout Troop. Any way that you can help us to offer this camp, will make an impact! Just $4 will send one girl to camp for 3 days and 2 nights.

These girls are deserving just like girls all over the world who are without access to resources. We have our finger on the pulse of this, ready to help, and are appreciative of anything you can do.

I want to thank you for all of the support you have given us due to my trip to Zimbabwe last March. Your thoughts, words and deeds were very encouraging to everyone.

We are deepening the preschool well right now as the drought has taken its toll on the water supply, only because of donations that came in. And the monthly care program had a great lift off and we are now working through the details of how to expand beyond our own young ones. coming in next year.

Thank you very much for taking the time to check out the link above where it shares more intimately what goes on in these camps!

New Class in Corvallis

Next week August 2nd, from 4 to 5:20 pm, we will begin a 1 month session of 5 weeks for beginners.  The cost is $60 for the 5 lessons.  Ancient Ways (see https://ancient-ways.org/music/marimba-classes/) is sponsoring these classes.  The classes continue year around and so this class is a great way to find out if you like this instrument as a way for musical expression in your life.


The cost of $12 per class is based upon membership in Ancient Ways which is a $25 per year membership.  For beginners we waive the membership fee for a couple of months so you can really decide if you want to support the organization in all of its efforts (e.g. humanitarian outreach in Zimbabwe) as well as if you want to play marimba with us. The membership also covers insurance so we can perform in various venues each year.  Classes,  t-shirts, and other workshops are all at a discount with a membership. For some marimba becomes a life-long friend.  You are invited to try it out with us!

Marimba Classes are being held upstairs in the First United Methodist church between 11th and 12th on Monroe.  Go in the front (Monroe) doors and turn right into the elevator.  Go to 2nd floor and turn right into the double doors.  

Let me know if you are interested in this class.  Payment is due the first class of the month.  Please feel free to call with questions.  541-259-4673 landline or 541-570-9059 cell.

Marimba Music on Mother’s Day!

Get on your dancing shoes and take that special woman in your life to the Thyme Garden in Alsea for their annual Mother’s Day event. http://www.thymegarden.com/Events

Ancient Ways ensembles again bring the Shona marimba music from Zimbabwe to this incredible forest and garden setting. Not only will you find a large and wonderful variety of plants for sale, but also other local and regional artists share their work. Food and drink, music and relaxation, and lots of love for mothers of all ages.

Kufindura Marimba plays from 12:30 pm to 2 pm on May 8th. Come and join us as we bring together our three ensembles: Mufambo, Nhimbe, and Kufindura playing from 3:30 to closing. This is a free event!

Ancient Ways – Amazon Mother’s Day Donations

Here is a unique opportunity to help us with our work in Zimbabwe!

1. First make sure you are signed up with AmazonSmile ( http://smile.amazon.com/gp/chpf/about/ref=smi_se_abtpo_r_about_smi )
2. Choose Ancient Ways to receive the Amazon donation! This works every time…not just on Mother’s Day!
3. Use AmazonSmile Mother’s Day Link to check out their gift ideas: http://smile.amazon.com/gp/charity/homepage.html?orig=%2Fgp%2Fbrowse.html%3Fnode%3D502659011&ein=93-1158030

Thank you for your continued support!

Jaiaen’s Field Report #3

In this year’s final field report from Zimbabwe, Jaiaen writes:


Grasping what the basics of life are, is a gift… it’s not obvious. What appears to our senses is often diluted, over-stimulated, misrepresented, fluffed up without substance, etc., so discerning the essential can be elusive. Like all that we take for granted… fresh water, enough energy to produce food, enough food to sustain health, air that heals, medical care for loved ones, freedom to govern one’s life and make choices without duress, sovereignty of mind, body, spirit… the list goes on. What are the real requirements for wellness, wholeness, happiness?




Transport – $5/gallon, few vehicles on the road, and sardine-like commuter travel are a lifestyle.
Real African medicine – meeting Sekuru Moyo gives hope for the future.

Survey results – after some serious interviews, we will have a completely new look at the complexion of the Nhimbe families’ living situations.


Read all the details here, or access through the menu at Blog & Reports>Archived Field Reports & Letters.


After reading these field reports, if you’d like to make a donation, please donate through the website or call the office 877-TATENDA (877-828-3632) or (541) 259-HOPE (541-259-4673).


Thanks for your support,


More News from Zimbabwe

We received another update from Jaiaen in Zimbabwe!


Here is an excerpt with a quick summary, Jaiaen writes:


Access to the internet, phone, WhatsApp etc., has been limited this trip. I could see that some of you wrote me with wonderful replies sharing blessings of encouragement, new ideas, financial donations, and the like, but I have not been able to reply. It is complicated to describe how one can have some internet but not enough network or battery to respond. This is particularly true in the rural area where I have spent most all of my time. I’m sorry to not be able to dive right into conversation with you, as that is my nature, but it has to wait until the door opens. Thank you so much for your interest and concern for these people. There is much suffering in the world and I appreciate your partnership in making your difference show here!



  • Weather report – praises for thunderstorms!
  • Empowerment from you to purchase some supplies is done with tremendous gratitude.
  • Re-thatching is on the radar but a challenge to see easily on the horizon.
  • Permaculture and our preschool are a good match…love that produce.
  • Monthly care and underwear – we are making great progress and are hopeful for the future.
  • Health concerns are continual…we have much to do.

You can access the full document here, or from our Field Reports page on the website.
