Mhandara Monthly Care Update

Please check out the latest about our Mhandara Monthly Care (MMC) program in this link! (or paste this in your browser


We are asking for your consideration to send this to anyone you know who has a heart for females and the challenges that face them, particularly in Africa. 


We have an incredible program with an excellent track record…check out our website.  With very little funding we can intercede on behalf many of our MMC maturing girls’ lives in 2019!


Please forward…thank you so much!

2nd Day of September MMC Camp

What do 234 girls look like on a hike?  Incredible!

They are hiking about 800 meters from the Nhimbe Community Center.  How delightful! 

How often do we as females get to be free in the forest?

MMC September hike from Jaiaen Beck on Vimeo.



The hiking journey always makes a stop to climb.

Anyone is free to go for it.


And go for it they do!

MMC September trees from Jaiaen Beck on Vimeo.


The girls also practice their public speaking by offering a thank you to everyone involved.








September MMC Camp Live Now!

We hope to bring you some pictures and videos over the next few days as the girls have gathered in Mhondoro at the Nhimbe for Progress Community Center for yet another great camp. 


They live together Friday to Sunday, three times a year, to celebrate life and being a girl


We are so honored to be able to bring them this opportunity and thank all of you for the support you have extended to help Mhandara Monthly Care (MMC) and this camp.  It has grown and developed into this rich and deeply connected program.


They arrive in their uniforms from school and then relax into whatever they want.  Girls of any age are welcome, so some of the preschoolers even attend, as well as graduates from our Girl Guides weekly meetings.  They always begin the weekend with plenty of singing.



Third Field Report

Many thanks go to Amy Blinn and Payton James-Amberg as they made it possible for me to blog while in Zimbabwe.  Many hands make light work!  In this case as well, the infrastructure in the villages just can’t support the needs for communication.  We were lucky to send an email!  Great appreciation here for their assistance, as well as the multiple families who helped me cover the home and farm while away!


Find the third field report here.  Please read when possible, and share with your community.  Thank you so much for the continued support.  I’m not posting it in its entirety since its full of pictures and video links, but here is a taste:

It is with much gratitude that I offer this third and final field report of our visit to Mhondoro.  Thank you for all you are doing to help us help them, both as contributions financially , and your own active efforts to make a difference.   Your generous encouraging words are precious thoughts that keep us going when things get tough.


Here is the short version for those of you on the run:


  • APRIL HOLIDAY GIRL GUIDES 3-DAY CAMP A SUCCESS! – 235 Girls Attending – up from 74!
  • UNIVERSITY SPONSORSHIP – A Bit More is Required to Get Lillian Registered
  • LIBRARY UPDATE – New Books are now merging into the Library Re-Org
  • MARIMBAS AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER – Broken Marimbas are Being Replaced!
  • REPAIRS NEEDED – SMALL TO LARGE – Termites, Chairs and Hut Roofs All Require Attention
  • HOW YOU CAN HELP! What can you do that can make a difference?


More News from Zimbabwe

We received another update from Jaiaen in Zimbabwe!


Here is an excerpt with a quick summary, Jaiaen writes:


Access to the internet, phone, WhatsApp etc., has been limited this trip. I could see that some of you wrote me with wonderful replies sharing blessings of encouragement, new ideas, financial donations, and the like, but I have not been able to reply. It is complicated to describe how one can have some internet but not enough network or battery to respond. This is particularly true in the rural area where I have spent most all of my time. I’m sorry to not be able to dive right into conversation with you, as that is my nature, but it has to wait until the door opens. Thank you so much for your interest and concern for these people. There is much suffering in the world and I appreciate your partnership in making your difference show here!



  • Weather report – praises for thunderstorms!
  • Empowerment from you to purchase some supplies is done with tremendous gratitude.
  • Re-thatching is on the radar but a challenge to see easily on the horizon.
  • Permaculture and our preschool are a good match…love that produce.
  • Monthly care and underwear – we are making great progress and are hopeful for the future.
  • Health concerns are continual…we have much to do.

You can access the full document here, or from our Field Reports page on the website.




Upcoming Trip to Zimbabwe

Dear Friends of Zimbabwe,

Please take a minute to hear the latest from our Zimbabwe project!

** If you have been able to help us with this year’s mission, this email will hopefully give you a short update. And thank you, for your decision to make a difference in Zimbabwe through our efforts. We all are working together!
** If you haven’t seen our annual letter please go to and check out the film clips, or
** If you have read the letter (and seen those great videos) but haven’t been able to donate yet, please see to contribute today!

Here is what is happening NOW:

1. The preschool needs some soccer balls and a local girl scout troop is gathering them to send in my suitcase. I leave on the 16th of February for a month.
2. Our library sponsor is covering the postage for us to send some books to arrive while I’m there. We have some books to send, but if you have a special book that would be a great addition to our library please send it right away! I must receive it by February 6th to get it in the mail (that’s 10 days from now). These books will be part of our library there, which serves a full community from daily preschoolers, primary and secondary as well as adults, including local teachers who use our facilities. I would say that lots of Goldie locks and Goosebumps or Harry Potter might not be the best choices – they have their own educational curriculum as well and so straight school text books are also not the best. Think about their culture, and great literature, to make your choices! Please send any books right away that you would like to see made available in the village setting to PO BOX346 SCIO OR 97355.
3. We will be providing monthly care for the girls this trip and all the wheels are in motion to make this happen.
4. We will be providing uniform fabric for the preschoolers and staff so that our school is following the legal guidelines for school uniforms.
5. We will be able to print one of the preschool books that Red Zebra made so that each child might have their own book! What a thought!
6. We will be able to provide some health care by being present to the village needs as we do daily work. Thank you for your support with this.
7. I’m looking forward to getting pictures of wells! We have built a total of 92 wells…16 built just this last year. Now since a camera has been recently donated, we can get pictures of the wells on an ongoing basis (our last camera bit the dust). Thank you all for your patience with our well building and picture taking progress. Some of you don’t care about getting a picture and others do. We continue to always do our best…thanks.
8. We will be able to explore many areas of the project and hear from the residents just how Nhimbe for Progress is helping their lives.

Its been 5 years since I have gone to Zimbabwe. Initially the political situation made it difficult to spend a month in the rural area, since having regular gatherings could be misconstrued. Then my late husband, hence our family and friends, were all working through Agent Orange and its repercussions. Its taken a while to be ready to travel and return to the rural area, but I’m now looking forward to it.

Thank you for any way you are able to help us, help them! We are committed to making a difference today, and in the future.

Please feel free to call or email with questions…thank you for your continued support!

541-259-HOPE or 877-TATENDA


Burgers for Books Fundraiser Sunday 8/25 12-2

“BURGERS FOR BOOKS” FUNDRAISER this Sunday 8/25/13 12-2PM at 35355 Eicher Rd, Albany OR 97322
Join us following the 10:45 am Gathering at The Shift when the Red Zebra Project will host a “Burgers for Books” barbeque fundraiser that will benefit a new books project in Zimbabwe through collaboration with Ancient Ways. The event will include:
• Live marimba music from Marimba Detembo
• Red Zebra cookie decorating and temporary tattoos for the kids
• Special appearance by Cosmas Magaya from Zimbabwe playing mbira
All donations will fund the new Red Zebra Project in Zimbabwe. Come and share food and festivities with us as we raise money to get Shona language books in the hands of the Zimbabwean children.
Also feel welcome to attend an informal tea party hosted by David & Hilary Ker of the Red Zebra Project on Sunday afternoon for those who would like a chance to meet Cosmas Magaya. Tea and coffee will be provided beginning at 3 pm. You can bring cakes, cookies or fruit if you like. The address is in downtown Albany, 539 5th Street SW near White Spires church on the corner of 5th and Calapooia. Call David at 541-971-0839 if you have questions or need

Partnership to Teach Children Mbira

Last year’s Zimfest grant to Ancient Ways is helping to start an mbira program in the Jangano area where Fradreck and Fungai Mujuru co-direct the project. Additionally, we are partnering with MBIRA organization (also a 501(c)3 non-profit) to provide mbiras to the children – check out this incredible video from another primary school they have helped in Nyamweda, Zimbabwe.
MBIRA is dedicating 100% of June donations to purchasing mbiras for children, some of which will go to the Jangano children – see their success with these kinds of programs $100 buys an mbira – any amount is helpful! Help us with this program by donating:
• Building Instruments – Go to the link above or send a check payable to MBIRA P.O. Box 7863, Berkeley, CA 94707-0863.
• Scholarship Students – Go to to help sponsor the teaching of mbira classes in the Jangano St. Bedes primary school.
Thank you!Focuz

Special Needs Students in Zimbabwe Need Assistance!

We have 3 students left , who are particularly deserving, intelligent, ready and capable to tackle a better school than the one in their rural home, but need our help. Please help us help them to succeed! See for more details. Polite Shara is at Glen View 2 High School doing her Form 2, with tuition costs at $297. Paidamoyo Mujuru is in Form 5, attending Kuwadzana High School, with tuition costs of $479. Joseph Mandevani is in Form 2 at Mt Pleasant High School wtih tuition costs of $594.
You can sponsor one of these students today, or they can be helped by using the Team Approach where we pool whatever amount you can offer, with others. Please call the office to setup a re-occuring credit card charge, or use Paypal, or check. Thank you so much for helping these earnest students!Антилопы