Exciting News for the Mask Tribe!

Please join us as we celebrate our work in Zimbabwe for yet another year!


An amazing assortment of new African fabrics have been donated, as well as the efforts of two lovely women volunteers with superb sewing skills and artistic love for their work. Your decision to get a mask from us brings all of this together. 


Here we are with the holidays budding, and thoughts of sharing love buzzing…how can we help you? 

123.TGO – The Teal and Orange Medallions?

Please check out the latest in the “Store” HERE.  The new 3-D style as well as the familiar pleated and fitted designs are clearly shown and easy to navigate with the shopping cart (rather than the old google sheet that we started last spring on a whim of “oh heck, lets give it a go…;*)) 

125.OYB – Something a little more dramatic for you?

We are uploading more pictures as they are finished, and until then there are fabric swatches … you can see how incredible these turn out … please reach out with any questions.

121.LB – Some of us can’t resist the nuances of purple!

The latest news as well, is that you can request a child’s size! Just email and you’ll be in touch with the seamstress, who is adaptable and experienced with grandchildren, neighbors and the like, fitting those sweet little faces.

Thank you again for your continued support and encouragement!  All proceeds from these donations join our efforts to intervene in the lives of those in Mhondoro specifically with protocol for Covid-19.  If you haven’t yet read about our vision, HERE is the overview, and HERE is the progress to date


We are all enormously grateful for your interest in our particular products and services … you choose the donation amount that fits your budget

(remember that online payments and mailing spend close to $5 of your precious contribution)

and its a bit like being a kid in a candy store…enjoy running up and down the aisle! 


Your recurring generosity, friendship, and kindness has made all of this possible.  Tatenda Chaizvo!

PS Please watch for our annual letter in your inbox, giving you a snapshot of 2020-2021.

PPS Looking forward to pictures, video, and the story from Mhondoro? We hope so! Those on the ground are elated at what they have been able to do because of YOU!


Candy Store?

Mhondoro Update and New 3-D Masks!

The new 3-D mask has been extremely well received, with a sense of more air available (less confining), better facial fit around the edges with a nice nose piece, beautiful craftsmanship, as well as a lovely array of designs woven into high-quality cloth.  Newly donated and purchased fabrics have found their way to the volunteers to wash, and then sew, sew, sew. They are available very soon in many fresh African patterns and colors!  Same unbelievable deal … these masks, all yours on a donation basis, help us to raise awareness, funds to continue work in Mhondoro, and help you stay safe too! Thank you! 

We remain working in Zimbabwe…detailed updates are forthcoming, but for now, the quick report:

  • Our Nhimbe for Progress Team is fully in place, engaged, and brain-cracking to pull together the nuts, bolts, and washers from 20 years of experience in just over one month.  You may remember that Patricia left Nhimbe to follow her soul’s calling at the beginning of October.  Now, our renovated, renewed and revamped Nhimbe ship has left the harbor with an incredible new team, and we are underway!
  • School has reopened in Zimbabwe, and our MMC program officially started on 11/6 with almost half the girls in attendance, after a 7-month hiatus.  Again, we will be teaching about their bodies, providing supplies, but this time also learning about Covid-19. 
  • On 11/9 the Nhimbe for Progress preschool reopened its doors with similar numbers of about half the norm in attendance, also learning about masks and social distancing.  We are encouraging a healthy discussion with the Ministry’s health inspector, because World Health Organization protocol does not require those under 5 years-old to wear masks, but our staff was trying to implement stringent requirements, as they are for MMC.  Guidelines are unclear in the country, and our staff is doing everything they can for safety, including using two new infrared thermometers as part of our protocols, as well as giving all children masks.  We hope to get this sorted in the next few days.
  • After completing well deepenings for 43 families so far this year, the outcry is for more help! We just approved a budget for another 29 or so wells, to be deepened before the end of the year. Today we bought over $1,000 of cement, 14,000 bricks, and hired those with the shovels to help all of the families, since the depth is far beyond anything seen before. The rain is slowly coming, so that is letting them get digging.  Water levels have plummeted particularly in the last 2 years, so water availability has become the most pressing issue of the day.


Thank you for your dedicated support!  We continue to operate the preschool per our normal high standards, as well as MMC with the addition of teaching mask-making for their current craft project.  We also are pushing hard and fast to get the wells deepened now, before the impending summer rains fall.  The 7 elderly without water have become the priority.  This is the immediate focus with the other 22 or so to follow. 


We remain grateful and optimistic as you reach out, and continue to remember us! We all very much appreciate whatever you have been able to do, either financially to assist, or with your time.  There are 3 essential areas needing volunteers – please email Jaiaen

  • We have a real need for technical website and higher-end computer assistance, either on a one-time project basis or for the longer term. There are some exciting opportunities here.  Do get in touch!
  • Also, someone who can offer general office expertise using the computer and Microsoft would also help return some sanity to the nature of reality, since many extra functions have multiplied, much like rabbits, particularly over the last several months, with the loss of Cosmas, as well as the introduction of Covid-19.
  • Locally in the mid-valley, we really would love for someone to oversee the masks, which are being sewn by a couple of lovely ladies, as they find their way into your home (the masks, not the seamstresses)  ;*))

You do make the difference!  Tatenda Chaizvo!

Special Orders for the Holidays!

We have an unusual opportunity to pre-order holiday gifts that will return to the US on 12-13-19 with our team (which is leaving in a couple of weeks)! If that works for your holiday shopping schedule, we will be bringing back some nicely carved wooden spoons ($8), intricately woven baskets ($10), and beautiful handmade purses (three color choices) with inside pockets ($26). Here are some samples:

The embroidery is random patterns. The sizes are consistently the same. She includes an inner pocket. The fabric bolt swatch shows the colors the best. They are approximately 10″ x 10″ with a 2″ gusset in the bottom. They are extremely well-made. Easy to carry a thermos, keys, phone, plus other assorted items…very roomy but not bulky…the perfect size.

There has been no reliable electricity for quite some time in Harare and so the seamstress is often found at her machine after 10 pm when the electricity comes on, sewing into the wee hours.

This last year Winfilda lost her sister due to a sudden health issue. She is now responsible for her sister’s three children, as well as her own. These purses she makes will help her pay school fees for the children as well as put food on the table. She doesn’t sell these locally but primarily to us. She is a trained tailor and does an excellent job!

Thank you for helping us help them!

Please email gogreen@ancient-ways.org or call 541-259-4673 or 877-TATENDA with any product or shipping/delivery questions! We leave on 11-11 and must have orders before that date.

Thank you so much for your support of these craftspeople!

May Announcements – Here and in Zimbabwe!

Thank you for your incredible support again this year as we remain focused on our work in rural Zimbabwe.  Second term brings much activity:

  • The preschool re-opens with purchases of supplies and food for another 13 weeks,  There are 59 little ones, with more coming each day, all being fed a nutritious meal (often their main meal).  These children are being supported in early childhood development as well as being prepared for 1st grade in the Zimbabwean educational system. The preschool staff includes teachers, cooks, housekeeping, grounds-keeping and guards to assure the children’s space provides a safe, clean and nurturing learning environment. The government officials consider Nhimbe a model preschool!
  • The Mhandara Monthly Care (MMC) program continues to manufacture and distribute start-up kits in 2019 for all the new maturing girls.  Each kit’s cost of buckets and underwear has increased since our estimate last fall when we wrote the year-end letter.  We never know when the economy will be stable and when not, but we hold the vision and keep making headway!  We have just produced 30 kits for our first 2 batches, which will be distributed very soon at the upcoming Teen Care Camp.
  • The MMC Teen Care Camp is planned for May 24th-26th.  260 girls are expected and arriving on foot from quite some distances.  We provide a vehicle to pickup their bed roll and other gear at their various schools, where they all congregate before leaving.  Arriving Friday, they are able to stay at the Nhimbe Community Center (with those great solar lights!) until Sunday, when they hoof it back home after the incredibly unprecedented opportunity for learning, healing and growing.  There are a minimum of 11 adults that are present to keep everything moving smoothly.  The girls are involved in every step of food prep and cleanup, as well as participating in many activities, including music, mentoring by the elders, and much in the way of interpersonal discussions of intimate teen care.
  • The MMC program (the Start-up kits, the Teen Care Camp and weekly meetings) are helping to keep these girls in school each month, and making a huge difference in their lives.  For example, they learn about personal hygiene and the difficult subjects of dealing with boys and peers.  The girls learn crafts, such as sewing, to be able to make their own monthly care supplies someday.
  • Both the preschool and the MMC program need soccer balls!  We hold strong in the belief that the Right to Play is of enormous value in children’s “normal” development, physically, emotionally, mentally and socially.  Research has found that play is the key to children surviving the hardships of chronic economic issues and the displacement and relocation of continual transient populations.  Please consider a special donation towards this unique need.  Typically because of the rough terrain a normal ball doesn’t last, but we have had help locating one for $25.  Shipping is another issue, particularly if we can send more than one.  With this number of children playing together, one ball would not suffice.  Thank you in advance if you have an interest in encouraging play!
  • Thank you for any ways you might be able to help us with these heartening and supportive efforts, as we intervene in these children’s lives.  We remain consistent and faithful to the task at hand and ask for your assistance once again to reach out across the planet to our Zimbabwean neighbors.

Our music ensembles here in the mid-Willamette Valley are playing their part in fund raising, as they hit the streets earlier this year than normal, beginning in March.  They are out there raising money for the Nhimbe youth programs and are enjoying watching the summer fill up with play.

Please join us at our next event in Alsea, Oregon, Sunday the 12th, as we make our annual pilgrimage to the Thyme Garden for their Mother’s Day weekend.  Find us engaged in the music near the herb nursery, where there is a huge selection of plants for sale. We offer the uplifting marimba music from Zimbabwe and South Africa, as well as original tunes:

  • Chipindura plays from 12:30 to 2 pm
  • Tashinga plays from 3:30 to 5 pm

The Mother’s Day venue is particularly delightful with exquisite food and unique crafts for sale at a variety of booths.  All of this wonder is set in the ambiance of the woods, where this most interesting source for seeds, herbs and other fine plants finds its home.

Join us with your dancing shoes!

Join us in Celebrating Earth Day for a Week!

Ancient Ways will again be working with the local community in Earth Day awareness and festivities…Check this out:  

  • April 20th we will share in the ambiance of the gardens and forest of Thyme Garden in Alsea – Join us as we spread goodwill and honor the incredible  land there.  Nursery hours are 10-5 pm.  The Circle of Well Being closing ceremony (a program of Ancient Ways) is from 3-4 pm.  Check out the entire day’s event!
  • April 27th we will become our African animals in the Procession of the Species, beginning at 10 am at the Albany Court House. Find us as the percussion section next to the children from the Sundborn Children’s House, our Nhimbe for Progress collaborators. And, do check out Sundborn’s upcoming fundraiser!
  • Tashinga Marimba will be playing from 9:40-10 am and again after the Procession, from 11 am to 1 pm at the Albany Saturday Market on this same April 27th.  Get on your dancing shoes!

As part of our 25th year as Ancient Ways, and also marking our 20th year sponsoring Nhimbe for Progress in Zimbabwe, we thank our local organizations for all the ways they contribute to building community, which has also been our passion for all these years!


Looking forward to seeing you there!

Mhandara Monthly Care Update

Please check out the latest about our Mhandara Monthly Care (MMC) program in this link! (or paste this in your browser https://ancient-ways.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/MMC-Request.pdf)


We are asking for your consideration to send this to anyone you know who has a heart for females and the challenges that face them, particularly in Africa. 


We have an incredible program with an excellent track record…check out our website.  With very little funding we can intercede on behalf many of our MMC maturing girls’ lives in 2019!


Please forward…thank you so much!

Incredible Night of Music for Zimbabwe!

Please share with your community!


Great Change for Zimbabwe – Marimba and Mbira Performance @ Whirled Pies
Kutsinhira Cultural Arts


Marimba and mbira performance supporting Kutsinhira Cultural Arts Center and Ancient Ways.

Plan on joining us on Friday Dec. 7, 6 to 10 pm at Whirled Pies in downtown Eugene. A night of traditional Zimbabwean music will be presented in support of Kutsinhira Cultural Arts Center of Eugene, and Ancient Ways/Nhimbe for Progress of Scio.


Kutsinhira’s sponsored artist-in-residence for 2018, Musekiwa Chingodza, and his fellow musicians from Mhofela will perform beautiful mbira music. Three bands from Kutsinhira, including Jenaguru-Full Moon and Chapwititi, teen extraordinaires, will provide rousing marimba dance music.


Bring your extra change, throw in the jars at the event, and help make Great Change for Zimbabwe. Cost:


$12 for Kutsinhira members
$15 for adults
$5 for children 12 and younger


Be Seeing You at Zimfest August 9-12th?

Summer Greetings brings the sweet music from Zimbabwe to our local Oregon mid-valley! If you are attending, please contact me at windgatherer@ancient-ways.org just as soon as possible about whether you can help at our booth where we will be bringing the crafts from our villages as well as other African wares, and sharing information about the latest in our Nhimbe for Progress project.  Cosmas Magaya is not able to attend Zimfest but he is here in the states, while his wife Patricia is running things abroad, keeping everything in tip-top shape.


August 9th-12th, we will be celebrating what this wonderful music has brought into all of our lives!

See www.zimfest.org where you will find more information about:

  • Zimbabweans who have been able to come for a visit,
  • Sharing of daily and nightly Zimbabwe music at WOU campus in Monmouth,
  • Vendors who will be offering an African marketplace,
  • Musicians of ALL ages playing together as performers and as students,
  • Free daytime concerts and affordable concerts at night for 4 nights and 3 days,
  • As well as other pre-festival events…look at zimfest.org for more info!

Do let me know if you can help at the booth…many hands make light work…the most critical times are setup and take down every day since all booth items are packed away daily, and then we re-invent the space the following day.  Thank you for however you might assist!


Hope to see you there!



Have you seen our annual letter?

Have you received our annual letter, which we just sent in the last couple of days? It would have come directly from the office to you, personalized for your ease. You can also go to https://ancient-ways.org/news/annual-newsletters/ to find the latest update and a general purpose donation form that can be used and/or also sent to family and friends, if you would like to forward them this information. Check out https://ancient-ways.org/about/join-or-donate/2015-focus/ for an online version of the donation form. Thank you for your time and attention! Looking forward to hearing from you!

Great W.A.T.E.R! News!

W.A.T.E.R! = Wells And Toilets Everyone’s Right! After some difficulties in acquiring cement, we are now in a position to source the cement for wells! Ancient Ways has saved enough since 2013 to build 22 wells right away before the rainy season comes in November. Around 7% of the residents have a pure water well. We have about 515 left to build, 280 in Nhimbe and 235 in Jangano.
If you have a “special project” jar, in which you have saved up your skipped-video-or-latte money, or, are moved in your heart to make a big difference in an extended family’s life, consider DONATING NOW at https://ancient-ways.org/programs/facilities-improvement/water-for-wells/.
Don’t hesitate…Join us in our W.A.T.E.R! program. One well costs $250 to build , or $23/month if using a reoccurring credit card (CALL THE OFFICE at 541-259-HOPE or 877-TATENDA). Any amount helps…Plus, your family surname is painted on the well. Thank you for increasing a family’s garden productivity, overall health and wellbeing, as well as ensuring their future. Always feel free to call or write with questions! Tatenda Chaizvo!