Preschool Graduates for Nhimbe 2021

Hoping you and yours are having a wonderful holiday season! 

If you haven’t checked out the last email from us, please do so now as it links you to all of the annual letter information!  Fully deductible donations can be made for 2021. Thank you to those who are reaching out during this busy time of year.  You do make the difference!  

Nhimbe for Progress Preschool is going into its 20th year and has been profoundly successful over the course of many challenges.  This year we found 37 preschoolers graduated, which is up from an average of 25, due to the convoluted school years since the beginning of Covid-19.  Many stops and starts have these children now ready to move on, ready for grade 1 at the schools nearby their homes. 

Boys and girls, by themselves, or with mother, or father, sharing in this big day!

We serve many surrounding villages beyond the core six that are primary to Nhimbe.  Any child who can get to our facilities is allowed to attend.  This may mean that the parents walk the child to and from school each morning and afternoon.  We are very grateful to be able to assist the entire population in the area with these services…and all because of your support!

The children always share what they are learning!

Here the child has a speech to give.

After introducing themselves, these three have a little dancing and singing routine to offer.

This next video feels very connected to the metaphoric nature of the culture and their language…Very creative story line about someone who has been mugged, and the good Samaritan who helps them get care.  The Shona children are always giving plays.

Another two children, each with demonstrated ability to share in public…very sweet. 

Fortunate Takaendesa has been at our school for many years.  She leads the children in much singing and dancing and does a great job.  Here she leads the children in reciting.  This video also gives an idea of the attendance, with parents on the ground, and the visiting official guests under the tent.  There was much competition this year for attendance, due to farming inputs being unexpectedly distributed by the government at the same time.

Isaac Maodzeka is our Building and Security manager.  Although he doesn’t work within the preschool program, he is always around supporting all activities.  You can see the new library and marimba huts being built in some picture backgrounds and it is his job to oversee that, as well as all well building.  He is here on behalf of the team, cheering them all on!

Febby Shava has been with us for 20 years as the head of the Nhimbe preschool.  Last year she also joined the ranks as the co-director of Nhimbe for Progress, handling all of the children and parent communication and support. She is doing a great job! Here she is encouraging the parents and emphasizing the foundational importance of early childhood development.  If you listen closely, you will hear her say “ECD” more than once.

Hope you have enjoyed the Nhimbe Preschool graduation story for 2021. This year, it has taken much more effort for them to send videos and pictures. There has been a combination of increased network difficulties due to the cyclone damage, continuing family business since Cosmas’ passing, as well as the normal challenges of working in rural Zimbabwe. For anyone who has been camping, you get the idea of what daily life entails. Rough, but doable ;*))

Thank you again for your ongoing support! Please click here to go to the website for immediate gratification!  We are doing our best to support them through some of the most intense times in their history.  Its because of you that we are able to do that!  Tatenda Chaizvo from all of those involved!

Your Annual Ancient Ways Letter is in your Inbox!

We are happy to share our annual report with you for 2021, as well as our plans for 2022. 

Many thanks to all of you who are part of the incredible team, which makes this wheel of progress move…We, throughout North America, and those in Zimbabwe, are so appreciative!

Please take a moment and catch up on the latest about our collaboration with the residents in Mhondoro.  If you need to come back another time to read in more depth, you can also go to the website and find “2022 Focus” on the menu bar.  Let us know if you would like hard copies to share – we have plenty available.  Our printer gave us a spectacular deal at 5 cents a page!  

With your help, we can do it!  It does take a village to raise a child, and a community to hold a vision for change and transformation.  You do make the difference!

Thank you for your time and attention.  Always feel free to reach out and talk to me about whatever is on your mind.  Be safe. Be well.  And, have a wonderful holiday season!


Many Thanks for the Aid!

From the Nhimbe volunteers on the ground, to our board, and all involved, we are enormously grateful for the rapid response to our plea!

You have softened the blow of this harsh reality for them.  And of course, a lower stress level will certainly ripple into better care of the preschoolers and MMC youth, as well as the Community Center itself and how they provide services to the region.  Your generosity is amazing and has calculated out to give us the capacity to provide all 11 volunteers plus our two directors with one bucket a week from November 17th, next week, to carry them to the end of March!

Photo Credit-Lynne Swift

That implementation schedule is based on being able to locally source the maize at $6 a bucket, so purchasing without having to use petrol, and getting a better price for the bulk buy. We hope it unfolds in that manner, since working in Zimbabwe always brings surprises.

Green mealies will be coming by mid-March, which doesn’t sustain like sadza but is truly delicious with a touch of lime and salt.  The real maize will be coming out of the field in June, and we hope for a bountiful harvest for all. That crop carries them until 2023!

As always, you are incredible.  And, if some of you were still considering donating and are just a little slower to do so, please do so now! Go to: Volunteer’s Food Aid under 2021 and Early 2022 Urgency. – any further funds can be put towards extending the date, for example, another week or more?  In Zimbabwe, this kind of assistance means a great deal.  Their government will not be providing food, in all likelihood.  They are currently providing villagers some farming “inputs” as two bags of fertilizer and 20 kg of seed, at least in our local area.

Muda says, “A big thank you on behalf of the Mhondoro Nhimbe community to all who are assisting during this difficult period globally. Your love is most appreciated. May the spirits continue to guide you and your families in all you do. Tatenda chaizvo for all the Benevolence!!!!”

His heart-felt appreciation was felt through the network waves as he spoke from the other side of the earth.  Not only knowing that this side of the planet cares, I’m also imagining him having relief as the co-director, that those he is obligated to look out for will be in a better way, and that everything turns out okay, when one has the courage to speak. You can know that I’m relieved as well.  ;*))

This is the real-meal-deal and you are truly making a difference!  Tatenda Chaizvo! We thank you very much!

Food Aid for Nhimbe Volunteers!

(We’re sorry for the mis-post last night…working out the MailChimp interface ;*))

Today the villagers are facing another unusual hardship.  Due to the heavy rains last year at this time, as well as the pelting storms of Cyclone Eloise January 2021, crops were destroyed.  This translates into the average resident being unable to feed their families without purchasing maize, which costs around $6-7 per bucket.  A normal family uses about 1 bucket a week as it is the Zimbabwean staple.  In 4 months, by March/April (their autumn), they can harvest what they call “green mealies”, which is close to our corn-on-the-cob.  Those once left in the field become maize.

Photo Credit-Lynne Swift

The volunteers at Nhimbe are committed to spend more than half their day working at the Center, and so they really have no alternative income sources. They are given a stipend for their time. Other local residents can work their fields, sew, build and then barter.  Don’t get me wrong, our people are always busy looking for ways to make ends meet!  This food shortage has just stretched the proverbial rubber band beyond safety zones.

If you are able to donate even $25-30, that amount would sustain a family for 1 month.  Our goal is specifically to supplement this situation for those who are working at Nhimbe, due to their dedicated daytime hours, hence their outside available time is restricted.  $100 would take one of our volunteers through the hardest months.  We have 11 volunteer staff not counting our co-directors, Febby and Muda. That makes our minimum goal $1,100.

This is a rock-and-a-hard-place for us to request this aid, because our annual letter is forthcoming, just around the corner, where we share our 2021 progress as well as our hopes and budget for next year.  I ask that if you are limited on funds to offer at this time, please make our 2022 operations your priority.  And, if you can contribute something for this food shortage dilemma, we will send you a photo of the family you have sponsored! Please do so now! Go to: Volunteer’s Food Aid under 2021 and Early 2022 Urgency.

I know that this is an untimely request.  Our mission isn’t normally the same as famine relief organizations.  We have crossed that line in the sand three times in 20-plus years, twice with a variety of foods during famine, and once with mahewu, a maize-based drink for the children during a long drought.

We are looking to you for solutions – whatever is donated under this special food relief link (above) will determine their next 4 months.  Our coffers are at their lowest this time of year, just before we reach out again with next year’s plans.  We hope some of you have something extra to contribute, even $10.

My friends and family, as well as the folks on the ground there, are giving me courage to reach out to you today under these distressing circumstances.  And, I’m sure that with all of us, we will be able to make a difference!

Thank you again for your time reading this, and for whatever way you can help out!  Many blessings your way!

Marimba Playing Plus+ to Resume!

With Covid-19 lockdowns many of our regular Nhimbe activities were stalled during their winter, recently ending. Everything is getting back into the spring swing of things.
In particular, we agreed to build a marimba hut at our last board meeting in June. All of the cement and bricks, which are the most expensive parts, were purchased and ready to go, but then everything stopped. Plus, the wildfire took out the playground about that time. So, now we are picking up various pieces and getting back on track.

Muda took the medical gowns that we were obligated to buy last January and was able to sell them. What a relief! The regulation for school use was put in place out of anxiety rather than science, and even though we had a feeling they wouldn’t be used, we still had to purchase them. He was able to get the full $700 back, which has gone into the hut building projects.

We had agreed to build a larger library, since our current one is tiny and loaded, as well as a marimba hut, since the current housing situation doesn’t provide adequate ventilation. Both huts are large to accommodate better spacing with the students.

It all starts with bricks made by the local builders creating the foundation.

The next layers are set at a different angle and the wall begins.

School continues in the midst, and the walls are showing spaces for the door and windows.

The design includes the long windows like we have at the preschool and more of them than normal.

Muda is returning to Mhondoro now that Cosmas’ ceremony was completed October 2nd. He had returned to Harare and took a couple days to recoup, so now is ready to head out of the city, and help Febby organize the way forward.

There are many projects to manage in a short time. The fence building is waiting for the official steps to complete with the local councilors (many thanks to you for your support on that), MMC and marimba are in the mix for our young girls, these two new huts are being built, and soap is being distributed hopefully in the very near future. All of this while the preschool is actively operational and everyone is delighted to be back at it!
Thank you so much for your continued interest and financial support throughout our evolution!

Many Thanks to Your Generosity!

Since we were awarded additional Community Center land by Chief Nherera, we are now blessed to have a space for the children’s outside activities. We knew it would cost $6,400 to cover the fence and equipment for this space, and now with only just over $300 we will have met the goal! Thank you!

I am amazed and touched by how you have come through for us, time and time again! The wild fire was so unexpected and left us all with our heads spinning…we’ve never had such a challenge before. Everyone is so grateful that we are on the mend!

Rolls and rolls…

If you were hoping to help us with this, now is a great time. We have allocated all unexpected funds received since the fire, which were identified as “greatest need” or specifically for the preschool, and would love to finish this fundraising step, so that our annual budget can stay firmly intact for running the regular programs.

Muda is in Mhondoro working overtime to take care of Nhimbe business as well as being with the family as they prepare for Cosmas’ special ceremony, the kurova guva, coming up next weekend. We will have more Nhimbe updates forthcoming, but for now I wanted to share our simple rolls-of-fencing photo. It’s very exciting growth!

Just prior to the fire, in our June board meeting, we had agreed to build two new huts, one for marimba, and one for the library to grow. Cement was purchased in Harare, bricks were delivered by the local donkey cart, and the foundation started. These huts were first held up by the COVID lock-down, and then by the penetrating attention that the fire had imposed.

After Cosmas’ ceremony we will be able to share more about all of the work being done, as well as get an update about the routine school and MMC activities going on with the youth and their well-being. The children and staff are both elated to be back to their educational focus…everyone there really understands that education equals empowerment. I’m a big advocate for more and complete information in every way with a vision that it would stop all war…simplistic. Thank you for your commitment as we work through the process of bringing you the latest…your support is greatly appreciated.

We are within close reach of our required target so please, if you are able, we are grateful. Either the side bar donation box, or the store link works well (we have done website repairs and are extremely happy to share that it is now a frustration-FREE operation). Accolades to our new tech volunteer from Cincinnati!

Thank you!

We Need Your Help Now!

We are making lemonade out of the lemons!

As you know our Nhimbe preschool yard was consumed by a run-away fire across the bush at the beginning of July.  Not only did the aged wooden play structures burn, but the Magaya homestead of Joshua and Matilda also suffered.  In both instances, gratefully the fire was put out before any buildings were ruined.

Our preschool has just reconvened after a June-to-August Covid lock-down, so now we have children back to the daily routine as of the beginning of September.  We continue to offer a partial stipend to help our staff deal with being laid-off periodically since March of 2020.

Sadly the charred ground can’t be used by the children but will be great for garden expansion.

In the midst of this, we have some really excellent news about a new playground area. Chief Nherera has awarded us an adjacent plot of land for our long-term educational purposes, that doubles the Nhimbe Community Center grounds.  This can include future expansion for self-sustainability business activities, as well as additional learning opportunities. 

On the opposite side of the Nhimbe Community Center, a humanitarian organization from Taiwan, Tzu Chi, bought their stand for $5,000 not all that long ago. This Buddhist organization wants to build an agricultural training center to house 23 huts, and is like us in that they are not bringing a focus of religion, but have the underlying goal to bring relief from suffering.

We have graciously been blessed by the Chief because of our history of devoted service since 2000.  To be granted this stand (plot of land) for no fee is absolutely incredible!  The Chief has been in ill health, and although he is now improving, he is elderly and we are fortunate to have his favor.  

Playing wheelbarrow is a popular activity that helps to learn enormous coordination.

What we do face are fencing costs plus new playground equipment, which are both outside of any budget projected for 2021, as any fire like this is quite unexpected. After Muda researched competitive bids and skillfully negotiated labor costs over this last month, we now know that the fence fully installed is $6,000, and the poles and materials for the playground repairs and installation is comparatively a mere $400. 

The new fence will match the existing fence in size, being two meters tall.  We have chosen to not add the barbed-wire for the additional two feet on top, since at this point we foresee theft being a non-issue.  If we ever add buildings to this just-over one-acre parcel, then we would want to consider the added barbed barrier to deter unwanted entry.  The existing Nhimbe gate will provide passage for the children to the play area.  There will be an additional gate installed for public access. 

Lined-up so nicely to get in the front gate.

The replacement materials list is simple and includes colorful paints, nails, cement, poles, 8 tires, swing bars and chains, a climbing frame and monkey bars (metal this time).  This will all be installed in the new area along with whatever is salvageable from the original playground.  

Taking the temperatures with our infrared thermometer.

Please consider donating to help us solve this dilemma! Particularly with Covid-19 and the serious curtailing of normal life, the more the children can be outside for their normal activities as well as other “classroom” time, the better off everyone will be.  This new space will certainly give them that! 

This chigubhu, pumps the water with a foot pedal, by tipping the water container, sanitizing hands at the start of the day.

By going to the Donate or Shop item on the menu, find Preschool – Use for the Greatest Need under the EDUCATION section.  Any amount you are able to contribute towards this $6,400 goal is greatly appreciated by everyone involved.  The parents in Mhondoro, the staff, as well as all of us here who hold these Nhimbe preschoolers with arms of Large Love, thank you in advance for whatever you can do!

Hopefully more updates to come soon!

That wasn’t the latest news…

If you received an email about Cyclone Eloise, the post did indeed get sent late last night as a fluke. We were working on the website and are still not clear how it was republished as a brand new post. If you didn’t read about it in March when we first posted, please enjoy in your email, as the duplicate has been removed from the website. Due to your generosity, we were able to repair the Community Center in April and May and get the children back to school on schedule. Thank you for your continued support!

New news to share with you has been slow coming. The complete lock down in Zimbabwe during most of June and July may be lifted really soon. Its now possible for Muda to travel to Mhondoro and get the projects moving again, hopefully heading out tomorrow. In early June, we had purchased extreme amounts of soap (almost $3,000 worth) to distribute over the next four months (their winter) but then were forced to sit tight…no one was allowed any travel. The genuine panic has been high due to the virus variants. So we are all anxious to see what is going on in the rural area.

We had just begun work on several new projects when the fire destroyed the playground. We haven’t even been able to visit the chief to see if we can expand to one side. The cost of fencing may be prohibitive, but the preschoolers certainly can’t play in the ashes. And, now they need to be schooling outside more than ever. Updates to come next week!

We hope this finds you and your family well. Our own county cases here in Oregon are escalating. We are continuing performing outside over the next two weeks, albeit with masks. The first of the August opportunities to share the music was yesterday in Corvallis as the temps were nearing 100. We have a strong crew of marimba-playing-addicts looking at playing three more times in the next two weeks, in Philomath and Silverton. Please do check our calendar in case you are in the area!

Much love for this music keeps our local community well-knitted. We are eternally grateful for the incredible way it has worked in our lives, even during the pandemic. My thanks always go back to my first teacher, Maggie, and we keep paying it forward, all the way to Mhondoro!

Thank you for your time, your thoughts and prayers. I feel very blessed by each of you, and how you have changed my life! Tatenda Chaizvo!

Community Center Fire and Gratefully No One Injured!

Just a quick report here, as we don’t have all the information, but there has been a fire affecting the Nhimbe for Progress Community Center.


Fortunately, as far as we know, no one in the area was injured. The Center was unoccupied at the time, but Isaac, in charge of Building and Maintenance, lives nearby and saw the smoke rising. Moving quickly, he arrived, got out our hoses, and began to put out the fire.


We don’t have the entire story, but apparently a neighboring resident had a fire that got out of control, and it burned all the way through our playground and newly expanded garden area, but was stopped before damaging any thatch or huts. We are very grateful. Hallelujah for the bore hole, hoses, and Isaac!

Isaac off to the left with only metal structures standing behind him.

We should have a full report in a couple of days. The current situation is that the preschool playground will need to be rebuilt in another location, and a different area used for just running and playing in the meantime, since the grassy area is now quite a sooty problem for the children.


The new garden expansion area was damaged (the new 14 rows established last year), so replanting will be needed, but the original 10 rows closer to the buildings started in 2019 are gratefully still in tact!

Much of the new garden expansion has been crisped.

Thank you for your interest and concern…we appreciate however you might help us tackle this new hurdle…we will follow up with more details as they come in. Tatenda Chaizvo!

These banana trees are singed badly but will most likely come out of it with time.

How are things in Mhondoro?

Thank you for your patience while we work with the issues on the ground. I have been slow to update you on the story, as there have been many developments. I prefer less emails and so assume you do too ;*))


The 12 collapsed wells from the recent Cyclone Eloise, were found to be 22 in total – the word comes in slowly through the bush.  We were able to rebuild them all, and also able to complete the needed repairs at the Community Center, so that school started as required. Thank you for your amazing generosity in helping us getting through that incredibly rough time!


Everyone affected by the cyclone now has a new well, and is enormously grateful for your support. If we did not intervene like this, then what?  There are no other agencies, organizations, what-have-you, that assist in this area with these kinds of life impacting problems.


Clean water is even more important now with Covid-19 still a concern. In fact, they are currently going into winter, and everyone is on alert for further outbreaks.  We are scheduling our next soap distribution right away in alignment with our Covid-19 intervention strategy.  We were forced to skip a distribution because of the lock-down (they literally stayed hut bound), so I’m sure everyone will be very pleased. Nothing like soap to alter one’s lifestyle!

In June, we also plan to move into repainting the well lids. Three developments over the last year have left the well tops without our ‘brand’.  First, do you recall the lid repairs we did when we found irregularities compromising water sanitation and potential safety?  That affected the well tops.  Then, the deepening process that we did during the drought, also changed the looks of things. Of course, the most recent rebuilding efforts due to Cyclone Eloise rainfall created entirely new wells. Granted, the well itself is functional without painting, but there are at least three aspects that make it worth that $6 to paint each lid.

  • First, seeing the name gives the residents of the home a connection to the family on the other side of the world who cared enough to lend them a hand. 
  • Then, it gives a fresh face to the top of the lid.  The Shona appreciate making improvements to their homes that signify progress. And, paint does preserve the cement.
  • Lastly, it is a sign of being part of the Nhimbe community…it is a way to say, “Yes, we are part of this team!”  Building an alliance among the villagers has been part of our key to success over the years.  You know, like our neighborhood watch, and similar groups, can help everyone feel less isolated and more bonded with their neighbors.


We have a new design for the lids (no pictures yet) that incorporates the Nhimbe and Ancient Ways logo, which is another step towards formality that helps substantiate us in the “real” world.  We could work under the radar for years, the way we did in the beginning as a club, and never be acknowledged or be seen, so just remain ominously invisible. 


During the Mugabe reign, the Nhimbe for Progress name came up in Parliament more than once, when our dear Chief Nherera reported on what was “going on” in his area.  So, we’ve been around the block, and are still standing, so we might as well step up and into the next phase of our evolution.

The Zimbabwean school system’s terms are turned on their ear, just like our educational approaches here.  We have purchased supplies and food for the second time this year and so that part of our schedule is regular.  The children are meeting, as are the MMC girls on Fridays after school.  

Thoroughly enjoying the music!

Marimba classes continue, as does the sewing training.  The MMC girls are participating in a “service project” plus learning more about sewing. 

The end results are stuffed toys for the preschool children, which they can use for the preschooler curriculum.

Everyone is happy to be back to a routine, although nothing is really normal, except a modified social distancing, mask wearing, and increased hygiene.  We have just produced 11 batches (for 15 girls each, so 165 new girls) of MMC supplies, and so it feels really great to be moving forward again!


I know it’s hard to look at pictures where their standards of distancing are different than ours, but its much like everything we do there…its all within the cultural norms, which we are not going to change.

The youngest girls get to attend also!

The MMC girls and the preschool continue to use the library on a regular basis, as do the community members.  The library hut was one of the buildings that was seriously damaged by the torrential rains. 

The teachers have taken the time to organize everything and get things put back into a good order.  It’s really looking spectacular!

The small bookcase in front was normally in the Annex.
That way the preschoolers had their very own library area.

Vaccines are available, although this article speaks of availability issues.  In the beginning, people were wary of the source being from China, and so didn’t want to jump on board.  After all, the batteries and ink pens that are imported never last more than a couple weeks, so it didn’t seem like the reliable option.  There are free local vaccines available nearby, but it appears to be a personal choice without repercussions.  There may be a requirement for all front-line workers to be vaccinated, but at this point there isn’t. 


There is new legislation now to get money into the hands of our team.  Western Union has a new requirement forcing all monies to be deposited in a particular bank.  The savings account that is needed doesn’t have fees, at this point, so that is superb, but they have a limitation of only withdrawing $500 a week.  This is problematic since we have been spending well over that, for all of 2021. 


Muda says that the bank manager will work with us if we need to withdraw more funds, even though the new legal requirement is just $500.  It makes me nervous…anything imposing on my freedom, and I get a little testy.  He suggests not to worry, and my instinct is to push the envelope right away, to see if it really is going to be restrictive.  He also reminds me that safety issues from walking around with larger quantities will be ameliorated. 


We are a good team and complement each other’s style.  So, within the month we should know what this new regulation means.  At worst, it appears that it would only slow down the work we are doing.  The school could still operate, but we wouldn’t be as free to think outside of the box.  Like for instance, this month, the solar inverter just went haywire unexpectedly.  The estimate on that is $450.  Its those kinds of things that will push us over our $500 limit super fast.  Muda is already traveling back and forth to the rural area, so hopefully we can come up with a work around.


We have continued to send $2,995 at a time, once or twice a month, to avoid any flagging when hitting the 3k marker.  That has been an issue in the past for some of the smaller non-profits.  And, we continue to use Western Union as it has proven the best over the long haul.  A few years ago, wiring became impossible, and bank fees can be exorbitant. But, if you know of a better way to get money over there with less of a financial burden, please feel free to write, or call!  We always appreciate community dialogues.

Thank you for your help with navigating this terrain.  Your continued commitment gives me resolve to hang in there even when the expenses are mounting and there aren’t easy answers to the issues at hand.  You do make all the difference!


May you enjoy the summer months, opening their arms and welcoming you, like an unfolding flower radiating friendship! 


Tatenda Chaivzo!


We expect to discontinue our African fabric mask making in the near future.  If you, or someone you know, needs a final mask or two, please let us know and we can still accommodate!  Thank you for all of your support over this last year!