Partnership to Teach Children Mbira

Last year’s Zimfest grant to Ancient Ways is helping to start an mbira program in the Jangano area where Fradreck and Fungai Mujuru co-direct the project. Additionally, we are partnering with MBIRA organization (also a 501(c)3 non-profit) to provide mbiras to the children – check out this incredible video from another primary school they have helped in Nyamweda, Zimbabwe.
MBIRA is dedicating 100% of June donations to purchasing mbiras for children, some of which will go to the Jangano children – see their success with these kinds of programs $100 buys an mbira – any amount is helpful! Help us with this program by donating:
• Building Instruments – Go to the link above or send a check payable to MBIRA P.O. Box 7863, Berkeley, CA 94707-0863.
• Scholarship Students – Go to to help sponsor the teaching of mbira classes in the Jangano St. Bedes primary school.
Thank you!Focuz

Volunteers Needed at the Ancient Ways Zimfest Booth

With the instructions in this email you can let us know if you are able to volunteer at the Ancient Ways Zimfest booth this year. We are using the Volunteer Spot website and they have made great improvements to the site since last year!
Zimfest is being held this year at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, WA from June 27-30th (see 2013.zimfest singulair with the Marketplace in front of Xavier Hall around the afternoon concert stage. We will be bringing the hand-crafts from the villages, CDs and T-shirts, as well as providing information about our work in Zimbabwe.
We run this booth with the help of volunteers and can’t do it without you! Please let us know just as soon as possible how you can be involved. Just click on the link in this email, but do so very soon so we can make plans.
Once you enter your email as your sign-on, this website will show you our Booth’s hours of operation and the specific shifts with which we need help. First it sends you a recap of the times for which you signed up, and then it sends a reminder two days before your shift, and also can let you know who else is working!

YOUTH Summer Marimba Sessions

Please send a deposit of $25 to PO Box 346, Scio, 97374, to reserve a space in Youth Summer Marimba Sessions, as soon as possible, so we are able to confirm enrollment:Кирпичные столбы для забора

• WHO: Your student (who has 1 year of experience or more) will be taught by Gary Spalter (who will also be teaching our Youth Marimba Class beginning in October).
• WHAT and WHEN:
o Session 1 (rising 4-6th grade): Aug. 12-16 9-12 am
o Session 2 (rising 4-6th grade): Aug. 12-16 1-4 pm
o Session 3 (rising 4-6th grade): Aug. 19-23 9-12 am
o Session 4 (rising 7th+ grade): Aug. 19-23 1-4 pm
• WHERE: 1165 NW Monroe, Corvallis, downstairs (in the Scout room). Detailed information to follow.
• HOW MUCH: The cost of a 3-hour, 5-day session is $170, or $165 with early-bird discount if paid in full by June 15th.
• HOW: Class tuition is payable by credit card over the phone 541-259-4673, a check payable to Ancient Ways or online at

Plant and Music Lover’s Special

Please join us as three Ancient Ways Ensembles bring the uplifting music from Zimbabwe to start up spring beginning the first of May. All events are FREE of charge!
• Wednesday, May 1st 2:50-3:30 p.m. – Downtown Albany, OR, Carnegie Public Library – we’ll share rhythm games and songs on marimba with all ages of children and adults. Come expecting to play with us!
• Sunday, May 5th 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. – 26th Annual Spring Garden Festival on Sunday, May 5, 2013, 9 4 p.m., on The Arts Center Plaza, 7th and Madison near Central Park in Corvallis, OR will find the Ancient Ways Ensembles playing tunes to the herbs and trees, bushes and bulbs, as dozens of vendors and information booths offer plants, and tips of the trade.
• Sunday, May 12th 12:30-2 p.m. and 3:30-5 p.m. – Mother’s Day Celebration ‘Art in the Garden’ is happening Saturday and Sunday May 11th and 12th 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Thyme Garden in Alsea OR, and Ancient Ways Ensembles will be bringing the sweet music from Zimbabwe to share in this plant lover’s paradise. Come enjoy all-day music, gift shopping from a variety of vendors and some fantastic food!ReTeks

Upcoming Marimba Concert and Fundraiser!

Please help us spread the word about the upcoming concert and fundraiser in Portland this next Saturday the 20th…by using facebook, email etc. you can make a serious contribution to our efforts to raise money for the rural school children in the Jangano project located in the Dewedzo Mountains of Zimbabwe:
• Eight bands, of both children and adults, will play high-energy music from Zimbabwe and Botswana for four hours! These are the marimba students of MyLinda King and we greatly appreciate this incredible support to pay tuition for these Jangano students. (School is not free in Zimbabwe!)
• Put on your dancing shoes and come to Portland Foursquare Church 2830 NE Flanders St. Portland, OR from 12-4:30 April 20th.
• Silent auction and raffle for some great goods and services as well incredible hand-crafts bought from the villagers in Zimbabwe who are recipients of Ancient Ways services!

Always feel free to write or call with questions. Please read more about the Jangano students at! Thank you!

Did you forget us this year?

Did you happen to forget Ancient Ways as 2012 drew to a close, and we all began the New Year with speed and intensity? Unfortunately, my email program is so basic, that I have to send this to everyone, whether or not you sent us a donation. Отопительные приборы

Thank you so much if you already responded to our annual letter in December! We appreciate it! We have several ongoing programs that are directly serving almost 3,000 people … that means a great deal of expenses which continue year round. For example in 2013:

• We have already spent a few thousand dollars to operate our preschool and feed approximately 70 children a hearty and nutritious meal every day. Your donation of $100 makes this happen for the whole year.
• We have already spent a few thousand dollars to operate the Health Center, which only costs $2 per person to provide services. A high-percentage of recipients are children. For example, a donation of $50 sponsors 25 people (20 or so are children) to receive medical care and health education at no cost. We are not providing x-rays, etc. but are interceding at a basic first aid level, which is unavailable free-of-charge anywhere in Zimbabwe.
• We are giving a couple hundred children afterschool/weekend/holiday programs as part of Girl Guides and a Boy Scouts type of program. This month is their month-long holiday from school, and they are able to attend a weekend campout, which is where we discover more about our individual children. For instance, we find that they need underwear, or that the teen girls need help with their monthly care, or other very personal details of their lives, for example discussing premarital sex and HIV. This is the place we can intervene. The entire year costs only $15 per child.
• We are making plans now to be able to build the next group of wells beginning when the rainy season has ended in May. A donation of only $250 builds an extended family a well which lasts for generations. This costs $5.21 per week. Your family name is painted on the well top.
• We have committed to sponsoring many children for school but can’t proceed without a donation from you. $100 is an average amount that helps keep a child in school who otherwise cannot pay their school tuition – attending school in Zimbabwe is not free!

These are only a few of the many services we offer in two regions in Zimbabwe. Did you forget to send in a donation this year to be part of this collaborative effort that makes a huge difference in so many people’s lives? It’s not just the recipient of the service themselves that is affected, but their entire family is impacted by what we are able to bring, because of your help. Can you find it in your budget?

Please consider what you might be able to do and call the office 877-TATENDA or 541-259-HOPE, or visit us on the web at Or, checks can be sent to PO Box 346 Scio OR 97374, made payable to Ancient Ways. Become a sustaining member with a regular bank draft or credit card donation – then we really know what to count on!

It all adds up and YOU MAKE THE DIFFERENCE! Always feel free to call me with questions, or go to

Thank you! Tatenda Chaizvo!

Special Needs Students in Zimbabwe Need Assistance!

We have 3 students left , who are particularly deserving, intelligent, ready and capable to tackle a better school than the one in their rural home, but need our help. Please help us help them to succeed! See for more details. Polite Shara is at Glen View 2 High School doing her Form 2, with tuition costs at $297. Paidamoyo Mujuru is in Form 5, attending Kuwadzana High School, with tuition costs of $479. Joseph Mandevani is in Form 2 at Mt Pleasant High School wtih tuition costs of $594.
You can sponsor one of these students today, or they can be helped by using the Team Approach where we pool whatever amount you can offer, with others. Please call the office to setup a re-occuring credit card charge, or use Paypal, or check. Thank you so much for helping these earnest students!Антилопы

Jangano Fundraiser – Massive Marimba Concert by the Students of MyLinda King

April 20th, Saturday Noon to 4:30 FREE!
Portland Foursquare Church 2830 NE Flanders St. Portland, OR
Put on your dancing shoes and come hear eight bands, both children and adult, play high-energy music from Zimbabwe and Botswana
Silent auction and raffle for some great goods and services.
All proceeds will go towards the Jangano Project of Ancient Ways
For more info mylindaking@gmail.comAton mebel